2017.09—2022.06 加拿大麦吉尔大学教育学部综合教育系,获哲学博士学位
2014.09—2017.06 北京师范大学教育学部国际与比较教育研究院,获教育学硕士学位
2009.09—2013.06 曲阜师范大学教育科学学院心理学系,获理学学士学位
1. 2023年2月,参加第66届美国比较与国际教育学会年会,并做报告:Rethinking the neocolonial practices at international branch campuses: A comparativestudy of two Canadian cases;
2. 2021年4月,参加第65届美国比较与国际教育学会年会,并做两场报告:Fostering global citizenship through student and faculty mobility: A new trend in comparative education和Contextual factors influencing the acculturation experiences of Chinese early study abroad students in Canada: An exploratory study;
3. 2020年3月,参加第64届美国比较与国际教育学会年会,并做报告:Why Chinese students choose to study secondary education in Canada: An empirical investigation based on push-pull model;
4. 2019年5月,赴墨西哥坎昆参加第17届世界比较教育大会,并作报告:Global integration and local responsiveness in managing international branch campuses: An empirical investigation of McGill MBA Japan Program;
5. 2019年4月,赴美国旧金山参加第63届美国比较与国际教育学会年会,并做报告:Exploring the development progress and emerging trends of international student-related research since 21st century;
6. 2018年3月,赴墨西哥墨西哥城参加第62届美国比较与国际教育学会年会,并做报告:Rhetoric and Realities in Countering Radicalization in Education: Data from Canada。
1. 2020.05—2022.06,主持魁北克省社会及文化研究基金会(Quebec Research Fund-Society and Culture)项目“Global Integration and Local Responsiveness in Managing International Branch Campuses: Experiences from Canada”;
2. 2019.04—2019.10,主持中华人民共和国驻蒙特利尔总领事馆资助课题“The Lived Experiences of Chinese Students Pursuing Secondary Education in Canada”;
3. 2016.05—2017.05,主持“联校教育社科医学研究论文奖计划”资助课题“美英澳加四国国际教育发展策略比较研究:基于政策的分析”;
1. 2022年,参与教育部社会科学司委托项目“世界主要国家教育战略比较研究”,参与子课题“印度教育战略研究”,省部级;
2. 2022年,参与教育部教育管理信息中心研究处委托项目“教育主题分类体系与对应语料比较研究”,负责子课题“教育主题分类体系与加拿大语料”,省部级;
3. 2022年,参与教育部教育部国际合作与交流司委托项目“海外中国学校校长和专任教师研究”,负责子课题“加拿大与中国校长专业标准的比较分析”和加拿大与中国专任教师专业标准的比较分析,省部级;
4. 2022年,参与财政部项目“亚太经合组织经济体吸引国际留学生政策最佳实践研究”,负责子课题“加拿大吸引国际学生政策最佳实践研究”;
5. 2019年,参与教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国高校海外办学战略研究”,负责子课题“加拿大高校海外办学战略研究”,省部级;
6. 2016年,参与财政部项目“Research on Mutual Recognition of Credits among Universities in the APEC Region”,负责子课题“东盟学分转换系统研究”,省部级;
7. 2016年,参与教育部国际合作与交流司委托项目“中外合作办学的社会需求与经济效益”,负责数据分析和撰写研究报告初稿,省部级;
8. 2015年,参与教育部国际合作与交流司委托项目“关于进一步扩大教育对外开放的若干意见(建议稿)”,负责撰写研究报告初稿,省部级;
9. 2013年,参与国家社会科学基金青年项目“后4%时代教育财政分配、使用与监管的国际比较研究”,负责子课题“美国财政性教育经费投入、使用和监管研究”和“澳大利亚财政性教育经费投入、使用和监管研究”,国家级。
1. Jing, X. L., Ghosh, R., Gong, S., McHardy, D., & Ding, R.* (2023). Multilevel research on factors impacting international branch campuses’ global integration and local responsiveness: An empirical investigation of two Canadian cases.Studies in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2187366 [SSCI]
2. Jing, X. L.,Ghosh, R., Liu,B. C.,* & Fruchier, T. (2023). A decade review and bibliometric analysis of the journal Compare. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53(3), 506-524. DOI:10.1080/03057925.2021.1932422 [SSCI]
3. Jing, X. L., Ghosh, R., & Liu, B. C.* (2022). Resisting neocolonial harm and localising global standards at international branch campuses: A comparative study of two Canadian cases. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. DOI: 10.1080/1360080X.2022.2150799 [SSCI]
4. Hu, Y. Y., Jing, X. L.,* & Yang, Y. Q. (2022).Factors impacting the sustainable development of professional learning communities in interdisciplinary subjects in Chinese K-12 schools: A case study. Sustainability, 14(21), 13847. [SSCI]
5. Jing, X. L., Peng, L. S.,*& Dai, K. (2022). Contextual factors influencing the acculturation experiences of Chinese early study abroad students in Canada: An exploratory study. Sage Open. DOI:10.1177/21582440221085005 [SSCI]
6. Jing, X. L.,Peng, L. S., & Dai, K.* (2021). Why Chinese students choose to pursue secondary education in Canada: An empirical investigation based on push-pull model. Asia Pacific Education Review, 22(4), 623-636. [SSCI]
7. Jing, X.L.,* Ghosh, R., Sun, Z. H., & Liu, Q. (2020). Mapping global research related to international students: A scientometric review. Higher Education, 80(3), 415-433. [SSCI]
8. Jing,X. L.,* Liu, Q., Ghosh, R., Wang,L., & Sun, Z. H. (2020). Global integration and local responsiveness in managing international branch campuses:The practice of McGill MBA Japan Program. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 42(3), 300-315.[SSCI]
9. Ghosh, R.,* & Jing, X. L. (2020). Fostering global citizenship through student and faculty mobility: A new trend in comparative education. Beijing International Review of Education,2(4), 553-570.
10. 荆晓丽, 刘强. 加拿大麦吉尔大学校园性暴力防治行动研究[J]. 世界教育信息, 2020, 33(1): 41-49.
11. Liu,Q.,* Turner, D., & Jing, X. L. (2019).The “Double First-Class Initiative” in China: Background, implementation, and potential problems. Beijing International Review of Education, 1(1), 92-108.
12. 荆晓丽, 刘强.加拿大魁北克省高校性暴力防治政策及其启示[J].世界教育信息, 2019, 32(19): 31-37.
13. 刘强, 荆晓丽. 东盟学分转换系统的发展历程、运行现状与前景展望[J]. 比较教育研究, 2017, 39(9): 72-78.[CSSCI]
14. 刘强, 荆晓丽.部分发达国家视域下的中国国际教育发展研究[J].比较教育研究, 2016, 38(10): 86-93. [CSSCI]
15. 刘宝存,刘强, 荆晓丽. 亚太经济合作组织教育领域优先发展议题及其展望[J].比较教育研究, 2015, 37(3): 1-9.[CSSCI]《人大复印报刊资料》转载
16. 刘强, 荆晓丽. 期待“一带一路”,开辟留学新路[J].神州学人, 2015, (10): 10-13.
1. 荆晓丽. (2021). 加拿大高校海外办学战略研究, 在王璐主编《高校海外办学战略与路径比较研究》(178-203页). 北京:人民教育出版社.
2. Wu, Y. J., Liu, R., Rapp, H., & Jing, X. L. (2021). International students’ career development and preparation at the American Community College. In G. Malveaux & K. Bista (Eds.), International Students at US Community Colleges:Opportunities, challenges, and successes. New York: Routledge.
3. Yang, W., & Jing, X. L. (2020). Chinese graduate students at a Canadian University: Their academic challenges and coping strategies. In V. Tavares (Eds.), Multidisciplinary perspectives on international student experience in Canadian higher education (pp.120-136). Hershey: IGI Global.
4. 荆晓丽. (2018). 美国教育财政,在刘强主编《后4%教育财政:国际比较与中国借鉴》(14-55页). 北京:高等教育出版社.
5. 荆晓丽. (2018). 澳大利亚教育财政,在刘强主编《后4%教育财政:国际比较与中国借鉴》(105-142页). 北京:高等教育出版社.
1. 荆晓丽. 加拿大教育改革的启示[N].光明日报, 2018-02-07(014).
2. 刘强, 荆晓丽. 西方世界的国际教育战略图景[N]. 光明日报, 2016-11-20(008).
1. International Student Research Excellence Award, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, 2021;
2. Graduate Excellence Award, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, 2021;
3. Graduate Mobility Award, McGill University, 2021;
4. Dr. Gauri Shankar Guha Award in International Development Education, Faculty of Education, McGill University, 2021;
5. Jackie Kirk Fieldwork Support Fund, Faculty of Education, McGill University, 2020;
6. Clifford C.F.Wong Fellowship, McGill University, 2017-2021;
7. 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生奖学金,国家留学基金委员会,2017-2021。