María Jesús Martínez Usarralde (1972 - )

Martínez Usarralde María Jesús

Short Biography & Significant Contribution

María Jesús Martínez Usarralde is Professor of Comparative Education, International Education and Cooperation for Development and Education at the University of Valencia (Spain). She obtained her Ph.D. in 2001 and was awarded a thesis prize in 2002. She served as a Lecturer in the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the University of Valencia (Spain) between 2000 and 2007, and became Professor in 2008.

Her main research areas are: vocational education and training and educational policy in the European Union (EU); development and education; policy and politics of international education and cooperation for development in Latin America; and intercultural politics of integration and migration in Spain. She has also gained international research experience at UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) in Buenos Aires and at the Department of Educational and International Development of the University of London's Institute of Education.

She has authored/edited 12 books, has contributed to over 20 scientific volumes and has published over 30 articles nationally and internationally. She currently forms part of the Editorial Board of the Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC), the journal of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education (Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada-SEEC).

Martínez Usarralde is also contributing to the field through her service and leadership in various capacities in the scholarly body of comparative education in Spain, the SEEC. In 2003, she started as co-editor of the SEEC Bulletin and, since 2008, assumed its editorship. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the SEEC since 2008. In addition, she has actively participated in the organization of the 5th National Congress of Comparative Education and Training (Valencia, 1995) and currently forms part of the Organizing Committee for the 13th SEEC National Congress of Comparative Education in Valencia (May 2010).

Educational Background

Masters in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Valencia, Spain

Ph.D. in Education, University of Valencia, Spain (2001).

Professional Background

Lecturer, Department of Comparative Education and History of Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Valencia, Spain (2000-2007)

Professor, Department of Comparative Education and History of Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Valencia, Spain (2007-present)

Affiliations (associations, organizations, institutions)

Spanish Comparative Education Society, Member (1998 to present)

Bulletin of Spanish Comparative Education Society, Co-editor (2003-08), Editor (2008 to present)

Spanish Comparative Education Society, Member of the Board of Directors (2008 to present)

Selected Publications

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2003): Educación Comparada. Nuevos retos, renovados desafíos. Madrid: La Muralla.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2005): '¿Seducida o maltrecha?: re-inventando la Educación Comparada en los actuales escenarios mundiales'. Revista Quaderns Digitals 38. Número Monográfico de Educación Comparada. Faura (València). Centre d'Estudis Vall de Segó-Joaquín Rodrigo.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2006): 'Education system in Spain'. In V.K. Hörner, T. Döber & W. Mitter (eds.), Education Systems in Europe. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.723-740.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2006): Erziehung und Ausbildung in Lateinamerika: Zwischen Qualität und Gerechtigkeit. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums zur Erforschung und Entwicklung pädagogischer Berufspraxis der Universität Leipzig. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2006): 'La Educación Comparada revisitada: revisión a la evolución epistemológica y temática en la era postcomparada'. Revista Tendencias Pedagógicas 11, 77-102.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2007): '¿Y qué hacemos con el niño inmigrante?.Propuestas educativas para lograr la integración en las aulas en la Unión Europea desde la perspectiva comparada'. In A. Kruze; I. Mortag & D. Schulz (eds.), Sprachen-und Shulpolitik in multilulturellen Gesellschaften.Leipzig. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp.193-215.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2007): 'De la Universidad actual a la Universidad necesaria: acciones y proyectos de las universidades españolas ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior'. In J.L. García Garrido (ed.), Estudios sobre formación para la ciudadanía europea. Madrid. Academia Europea de las Artes y las Ciencias, pp. 225-278.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2007): 'La universidad española ante el reto de la convergencia europea: entre la norma y la evidencia'. Revista de la Educación Superior. Volumen XXXVI (3) número 143. México. ANUIES. Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2008): 'Una mirada comparada al contexto internacional: revisión de la realidad del mediador en algunos países. El caso de Italia, Portugal, Suecia y Canadá'. Revista de Educación 345, 353-376.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2008): '¿Un brindis al sol?: Panorama de la Educación Comparada en el actual escenario universitario español'. Revista Española de Educación Comparada 14, 269-306. Madrid. UNED-Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (Ed.) (2009): Educación Internacional. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Martínez Usarralde, M.J. & Valle, J.M. (2005): '10 años de la REEC. Una mirada en perspectiva'. Revista Española de Educación Comparada 11, 37-94.

Naya, L.M, Ferrer, F. Y Martínez Usarralde, M.J. (2008): 'The teaching of Comparative Education in Spain'. In C. Wolhuter, N. Popov, M. Manzon & B. Leutwyler (eds.), Comparative Education at Universities Worldwide. 2nd ed. Sofia: Bureau for Educational Services, pp.121-129.


Created: 7/21/2009

Updated: 7/31/2009

Contributed By: María Jesús Martínez Usarralde