Vicente Llorent Bedmar (1955 - )

Llorent Bedmar Vicente

Short Biography & Significant Contribution

Vicente Llorent Bedmar is Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Education and Social Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Sciences, the University of Seville, Spain, where he has been teaching comparative education since 1989. Under his leadership, comparative education was approved in 2006 as a core course in the Masters in Education programme at the University of Seville. Aside from his teaching duties, he has directed brilliant doctoral theses in the field of comparative education. He has also directed several comparative research studies for various governmental bodies in Spain.

Professor Llorent Bedmar was elected president of the Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada (SEEC) in 2006. Since 1996, he has been serving on the editorial board of the Revista Española de Educación Comparada (REEC). Since 1995, he is also Director of the Grupo de Investigación de Educación Comparada de Sevilla (GIECSE), with research focus on Family and Educational Systems in the European Union and the Maghreb. He has actively participated as president and/or member of the organizing committee of various international and national scientific congresses organized by the Grupo de Investigación Comparada de Sevilla (GIECSE), the Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada (SEEC), and the Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE), which held its XXII conference in Granada, Spain in 2006.

Educational Background

Teacher's Diploma for Primary Education (1977), Universidad de Córdoba.

Bachelor's & Master's Degrees (Licenciatura) in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (1983), Universidad de Sevilla.

Ph.D. Educational Sciences (1988), Universidad de Sevilla.

Professional Background

University of Seville Department of Theory and History of Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences (1989 to present)

- Assistant Professor (1989-93)

- Professor of Comparative Education (1993 to present)

Affiliations (associations, organizations, institutions)

Sociedad Española de la Educación Comparada (SEEC): Past-President (2010-), President (2006-2010), Vice-president (2002-06), Member of Executive the Board (1998-), Member (1985-).

World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Member (1985-).

UNICEF-Andalucía, Vice-president (2003-05).

Selected Publications

Llorent Bedmar, V. (1988): Aspects légaux dans les rapports famille-école en Belgique, en Espagne, en France, au Luxembourg et en Suisse Romande. Analyse Comparée. Journal of International and Comparative Education (Barcelona), Vol. III, no. 8, pp. 423-552.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (1990): Estudio comparado sobre las federaciones y asociaciones de padres de alumnos de Bélgica, España, Francia, Luxemburgo y Suiza Romande. Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 592.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (1995): La comunidad educativa desde una perspectiva europea. Control y gestión de los centros escolares. Colección "Estudios sobre la Reforma Educativa". Madrid, I.T.E.-C.E.C.E., pp. 112.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (1999): Aproximación a la Educación Comparada desde la praxis investigadora. Sevilla, Editorial Kronos, pp. 253.

Llorent Bedmar, V., García Crespo, C. Y. & Aguilar, L. E. (2000): La Educación Obligatoria en Iberoamérica. Madrid, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, en la colección. Cuadernos de la OEI. Educación Comparada, pp. 92.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (2001): La educación secundaria en el Reino de Marruecos: realidades, deseos y reformas. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, No. 7, pp.167-190.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (2004): Libre elección de educación obligatoria en el ámbito de la Unión Europea: el cheque escolar y la escuela en casa. Revista de Educación, No. 335, pp. 247-271.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (2004): Libre Elección de Educación Obligatoria en el Ámbito de la Unión Europea. el Cheque Escolar y la Escuela en Casa. Revista de Educación, No. 335, pp.247-272.

Llorent Bedmar, V. y Cobano-Delgado Palma, V. (2009) "Sociedad, educación y matrimonio en la región de Gran Casablanca (Marruecos)". Revista Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas. Universidad de Colima (México). Nº. 30, pp. 29-59.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (2009): La Utilización de Signos Religiosos en los Centros Escolares de Alemania y Reino Unido: el Velo Islámico. Educación, XXI, pp. 97-121.

Llorent Bedmar, V. (2010): The Evolution and Current State of Arranged Marriages in Casablanca. Humania del Sur Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos (En Línea). Geopolítica del Sur. Mérida (Venezuela). Año 5, nº IX, julio-diciembre, pp. 131-152.

Llorent Bedmar, V. y Cobano-Delgado Palma, V. (2010): The muslim veil controversy in French and Spanish schools. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, volume 21, no.1, January, pp. 61-74.


Created: 3/8/2011

Updated: 3/9/2011

Contributed By: Maria Manzon, The University of Hong Kong