The MA program in comparative education is committed to assist the students to achieve the following objectives:
- Knowledge: To understand the basic components and main modern educational theories and ideological trends, to master the educational background of different countries and regions as well as the principles of comparative education.
- Capability: To develop the ability to use scientific methods to conduct research on the education of countries and regions, compare their differences and similarities, and grasp the role and future directions of educational reform and development worldwide; the ability to analyze educational issues from an international perspective; the ability to have international educational exchange and discourse.
- Attitude: To critically analyze global experiences and contribute to their nation’s educational reform and development; to learn about the diversity and richness of worldwide education with an open mind, and respect the uniqueness in education and culture of different countries and regions; to develop a passion for teaching, and understand the importance of the academic profession, especially that of comparative education research.
The major courses include: Area Studies of Education, Educational Thoughts and Theories, Foundation of Comparative Education Theory, Methodology of International and Intercultural Comparative Education, Comparative Studies of Policy Making of Education, Comparative Educational Administration, Comparative Higher Education, International Relations in Education, etc.
There are four research orientations in the MA program.
- In the field of comparative educational policy and administration, the specialized courses are: Policy Analysis of Education in China and Abroad, Equity and Quality in Education, Comparative Research on Private Education, Comparative Research on School Improvement, etc.
- In the field of comparative basic education, the specialized courses are: Comparative Study on Educational Inspection and Evaluation, Comparative Research on Curriculum Reform in Basic Education, Comparative Research on Contemporary Teaching Theory, The Research on Sukhomlynsky’s Educational Ideology, etc.
- In the field of comparative higher education, the specialized courses are: The Ideology of Higher Education in the West, The Idea- Institution and Culture of Western Universities, Comparative Studies on the Talent-Training Model in Higher Education Institutions, Comparative Studies on Academic Profession, etc.