International MA Programs
International MA Programs
Publish Date:2014-12-31
The International MA Program in Comparative Education

The MA in Comparative Education for international students is a unique program offered by the Institute of International and Comparative Education at Beijing Normal University with the support of the Institute of International Education at Stockholm University. The first recruitment of students began in 2011. The program currently has one research orientation which is educational leadership and policy. It aims to develop international professionals with skills in educational leadership, management, policy making and international exchange who can contribute to international organizations, governmental authorities, NGOs and related institutions.

The core courses include: Chinese History and Culture; Comparative Education; Introduction to Educational Research Methods; Quantitative/Qualitative Research Method; Theory and Practice of Educational Planning; Educational Management and Leadership; Educational Policy Analysis; Independent Study; Internship.

The electives include: Chinese Language; Education and Rural Development; Education and National Development; Education Systems, Policy and Management in China; Education Statistics, Evaluation and Measurement; SPSS and Quantitative Data Analysis; N-Vivo and Qualitative Data Analysis; SWOT Analysis; Educational Reforms: International Perspective, etc