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IICE Professor TENG Jun’s Speech at 2019 VIS International School Development Conference in Beijing
Publish Date:2019-11-16


On November 10, 2019, the 2019 VIS International School Development Conference was organized by New Thoughts Group themed around ‘Knowing the World and Innovating China’. The conference was aimed at discussing the systematic development of international schools in China. IICE Professor TENG Jun was invited to attend the meeting and deliver a speech.


Centering around two keywords ‘modernity’ and ‘China’, Prof. TENG delivered a speech entitled ‘Reconstructing the Curriculum System towards Modernity’. She elaborated upon the features of modern course systems in terms of contents, goals, delivery, and resource support from an internationally comparative perspective. She teased out the existing problems in these respects in China’s international schools, based upon which she put forward suggestions on how international schools could further enhance the quality of their course delivery and course assessment. Moreover, Prof. TENG emphasized the importance of preserving China’s own cultural legacies while providing education at international schools.


图片包含 人员, 天空, 手机, 电话
