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IICE Professor XIAO Su Delivered an Interactive Session at the National Training Center for Primary School Principals
Publish Date:2023-09-22

On September 22, 2023, IICE Professor Xiao Su delivered a lecture and interactive session at the National Training Center for Primary School Principals, focusing on the theme "From Advice to Teachers to the 'Living Pedagogy' of Sukhomlinsky." The session was presented to the 19th and 20th cohorts of excellent primary school principals from across the country.

The lecture and discussion activities were centered around deepening the comprehension of Sukhomlinsky's educational masterpiece Advice to Teachers. To provide the school principals with a holistic understanding of the book's background and the author's educational thought development, Professor Xiao gave an overview of Sukhomlinsky's life journey and the path of his educational exploration. She focused on the core features of Sukhomlinsky's educational philosophy. She emphasized that whether it's Advice to Teachers, Believe in the Child, How to Raise a Truly Human Being, Stories about People, or his other works, the core idea that Sukhomlinsky pursued and verified throughout his life was the concept of education for the person. He stressed the importance of education that focuses on the individual, prioritizes the spiritual growth of students, and implements education that fosters harmonious development. This theoretical assertion and practice left behind by Sukhomlinsky are not only valuable contributions to the world's educational treasury but also represent profound educational wisdom with contemporary significance.

After the lecture, Professor Xiao engaged in discussions with the participants about the lecture's theme and its potential applications. Several principals shared their insights and expressed that this learning opportunity deepened their three-dimensional understanding of Sukhomlinsky's educational philosophy. They also gained new inspiration on how to effectively read and utilize Advice to Teachers. Upon returning to their schools, they intend to employ various flexible formats, such as thematic setups and task breakdowns, to organize teachers for collective readings of Sukhomlinsky's works. Additionally, the principals shared their views on the practical significance of Sukhomlinsky's educational thought and practices for their respective schools' teaching and management work. The exchange of ideas was lively and engaging.