Academic Events
Lecture (No.93): What is Teacher Professionalism and How to Assess Teacher Professionalism?
Publish Date:2016-09-12
 On August 23, 2016, Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills and Special Adviser on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) delivered a lecture entitled “What is Teacher Professionalism and How to Assess Teacher Professionalism?” for IICE’s International Education Podium. The lecture was chaired by Dr. HE Xiaona and attended by graduate students.


In the lecture, Schleicher, drawing on his years of experience monitoring two important international programs --- PISA and TALIS --- elaborated upon the necessary skills, learning and teaching needed to meet the challenges in 21st century and more importantly, what it means by teacher professionalism and standards for the assessment of teacher assessment.  


The lecture went on with heated discussions, questions and answers. Dr. HE gave a short summary of the lecture in the end.