Academic Events
Guidance on Thesis Proposal and Thesis Writing for Postgraduate Students: International Education Symposium (No.81)
Publish Date:2015-09-20

On Sep. 17, 2015, Professor ZHU Xudong, Deputy Head of the College of Education of Beijing Normal University, delivered a lecture entitled “Guidance on Thesis Proposal and Thesis Writing for Postgraduate Students” for IICE’s International Education Podium. The lecture was chaired by IICE Associate Professor YANG Mingquan and attended by over eighty Master’s and PhD students.


Professor Zhu noted that writing a thesis is an important part of accomplishing graduate studies and that a good subject and argumentation underpins a qualified thesis. During the lecture, ZHU, with his extensive research experience, shared his unique understanding of the subject of the thesis, including the literature review, frameworks, and rules of writing. No sooner did the lecture start than he asked the students present to write down what they have in mind for their thesis subjects. Then he picked eight subjects, analyzed them, and answered relevant questions. After that, he explored how to discover a problem and propose a question when beginning thesis writing. At the end, Professor ZHU shared his personal experience about how to write a literature review.