Academic Events
International Education Symposium (No.64): On the Current Trends of Educational Reforms in the World
Publish Date:2014-06-26
On June 24th, 2014, Mr. Tao Xiping gave an academic lecture under the title of “On the Current Trends of Educational Reforms in the World” for the 64th International Education Symposium of IICE of Beijing Normal University, in Room 723, Yingdong Building. The lecture was chaired by Professor Liu Baocun. During the lecture, Mr. Gu Mingyuan, a senior professor from IICE, had a talk with Mr. Tao. Teachers, doctoral students and postgraduates in our department and other departments attended the lecture.
Mr. Tao Xiping now works as member in National Education Consultative Committee, vice president of UNESCO, honorary chairman of Asia-Pacific Association of UNESCO. Mr. Tao points out that we are living in a time of crises and opportunities, facing the crisis of ecology, culture, moral, psychology, security and economy, and at the same time, a new round of technological and industrial revolutions are on the upsurge. In the surfing currents of educational reforms, the trends of educational reforms in all nations are moving from the education of people to the learning of people, from being course-oriented to being student-oriented, from being ability-oriented to value-oriented, from academy to skills, from using information technology as a tool to constructing in IT-based teaching model, and from a single evaluation to a synthetic one.
After the lecture, Mr. Tao and Mr. Gu had a talk about educational reforms, and the teachers and students present had a discussion with them about some problems of educational reforms and development in our country.